The Tesla City Restoration Project, A New Era

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(p) A ravencoin family project (p)


Our Mission

Tesla City (SO) integrates the teachings of Eastern Tibetan Buddhism, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh's interpretation of Zen Mysticism and Hindu literature from Pakistan and India with the teachings of Gautam the Buddha into a complete teaching in of itself applicable to all faiths: Sikh, Jewish, Muslim and Russio-Christian, Ghana and Ethiopian (Adinkra Sankofa) and many, many more wonderful cultural heritages, legacies of spiritual and scientific practice. It is building the bridges necessary to reach scientific and spiritual understandings between mind/no-mind which is currently dividing East and West cultures at great spiritual and material cost in the battles for war in human consciousness across the air-waves at present time.

Tesla City is a foreign project sponsored by several established-neighborhoods across the world.

You can Support this Rare and Unique Project in Time


Tesla City NE Gardens

What Rebuilding the City Represents

The Tesla City represents a never achieved before total reunification of East and West spiritual and material existences, previously seperated by 25 centuries of wars of strategy, cunningness, miss-trust and economic uncertainty created by the modes and communication systems of consciousness in use by each quadrant or segment of the planetary organ at any one time, or the place from where each individual comes. It is estimated the cost of war will be paid by you and others for the next century unless action is taken to unite together for eachothers equitable benefit.

The Phoenix SSF Generator Alpha Beta Omega Ling/Ling Type #0001

Image Courtesy: Edward Leedskalnin Society

What about you?

A cities inhabitants and it's ways are a reflection of the health of all of its members, do you live in a city already? What does its inhabitants, and its ways reflect in you, and what do you reflect into it? Is it satisfactory? Did you ever want to contribure more and not know how or where to put your effort? Do you think all the time about doing something about the terrible things in the world you see that you would like to improve but have absolutely no idea where to begin? You may not be alone. Do you think this is the best you can reflect in your society? Do you think your society reflects the best in you? If the answers to these questions are compelling to you, Tesla City may already be faithfully present inside your heart as something dear to you.

Cosmic OS NeXT M-Verse Interface Prototype

Built by the founders the interface uses a Next Gen Series Universal Neural Constructor SiS

City of Mystery

Image Courtesy: The Tesla Society

The Great Suffering of National Debt

They build tomorrow on the devaluation of todays people

For as long as we rely on civilisation to pay others long past debts, mankind will be forever enslaved by a system "Too big to fail". Or, that is what "they" tell us. Debt by the corporation and war in the present is "The Great Suffering of Unawareness", perpetrated by the corporations and their staff members because they think they are right and know best, and accepted by the freeman and common man because they have not been informed better or see only hopelessness or "no way to escape it". Tesla City is a community family vehicle.

Tesla City Caravan Sarai

The Great Scientific Mystery

Mysterious lights and sounds from experiments at the rock gate installation in London Gardens

Conspiracy Theory or Economic History?

In this world your either a conspiracy theorist or an economist. When it comes to long past since debts; inflation, international banking and currency exchange is based on trust of represented worth, and the people would simply riot if they had any contemplation at all of the sort of criminality that was eroding the worth of our currencies due to this system of eroded-"Trust". Think of it this way, both sides of the families children will be paying for this war for the rest of their lives, is that something we want to leave behind for our children? Or ourselves in our next incarnation? Most taxes were introduced to fund war, so called "security" for one, and destruction for the 'bad guy'.

Tesla City Server Room

Our Shared Responsibility

Our responsibility is to patiently convince eachother that reform is a good thing for us all, and it's true, we may have failed previously to do that convincingly enough for banks and nations, even if we were satisfied the karmic righteousness curve of the sanyassins supposedly guranteed by our enlightenment! We should have considered what it meant to leave the other city folk behind or to treat their rejection of our ideas as hostile. They are not, they are very understandable actually! In this sense the rich do not believe the poor beggar deserves to be well, and the poor beggars do not believe the arrogant and privileged deserve to be well either. The logic results are dazzling and obvious, but people are too busy fighting and attacking eachother in this world and waste enough money in war battles that could build this city 1000 times over.

Let us truly reflect on what that really means.

A truly enlightened mind understands why a consciousness reaches the conclusions it does and is able to provide the right explanation that is provable scientifically as well as spiritually. Ths truly enlightened person seeks a city to live with other similar persons of the soft and sound intelligent mind, without the crushing hardness and coarseness of those judgemental city folk they must constantly endure. So is the ideal of the meditator, mystic one and new era scientist.

Tesla City Hospitalers MedBed

Medical advances for the NeXT Generation will also be a consequence of humanity working together

The City of Consequences

What is wrong with your community is already visible

In this re-incarnation, not all of our cities bare the fruits of bliss, joy, enlightenment and compassion. We do not need to look far in our city communities to find the evidence of the consequence of poor social, governmental and corporate policy that leads to the erosion of the liberties, knowledge, wisdom and freedom which keep mankind free and beautiful. This image is a succinct reminder to us of what our concrete paved, electrically wired, and traffic-controlled cities really represent is the loss of something beautiful. The state of our community is therefore a reflection of the sum of our community actions. Never shall we forget something so important to us all - less we become distracted, bitter and tormented by our captors. Whom would rather we fight with eachother, to divide, and conquer us all. Such is the nature of emperors, infinite time, rich heritages, cultures and traditions, though some are more compassionate and caring than others, we still need to stand together to avoid the city of foreboding consequences.

Adam Bull is a musician, cloud engineer and mystic. He has been a main contributor to the Raven blockchain community, builder of multi-asset faucet, CATE Cryptocurrency,
blockchain historic film project, wallstreetv2 mineable securities and the 'brains' behind the RavenX Exchange. Author of the Dec 2012 book "Technology For a New Future"
Adam has been developing technology that he strongly believes will form the city of the "new era", creating peace in the world as Western science meets Eastern Mysticism.
As Founder of The Tesla Society UK, Edward Leedskalnin Society and Tesla City project he combines many of the principles, visions and seer insights in his books
and personal writings over the last decade. Author of Cosmic OS, Q++ Computational Language he lays the groundwork for a real-time quantum consciousness supercomputer,
A computer system he affectionately calls "Ma", he has worked in Cloud Computing and distributed compute longer than Amazon Cloud Services and has produced
countless equations related to multi dimensional chain event systems. The M-Verse Hypothesis Bull provides is a mathematical solution for Paradox M-Verse Collision, and sheds light
on Albert Einstein's previously incomplete theories of the one, Allowing Negative and Forward time in RTC imaginary complex planes. The technology presents the possibility for
"Startrek" like technology that warp the regular dimensions of Space-time in RTC RF space, red shifting the observer. Therefore he contends may offer new insights into dynamic conservation and TD Theory.
These works have provided useful understanding of relative dimension's in space that can offer new insight into the ancient eastern teachings with a modern scientific format.
And ultimately have the power, theoretically, to transform the modern civilisation into a peaceful, prosperous eden for all (in RTC).
He is in the process of applying for patents for the devices, Q++ Language, and is presently working with foreign sponsors above to achieve the objectives in-hand.


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